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5 Signs of a Cornea Problem

5 Signs of a Cornea Problem

You probably don’t think of how each component of your eyes works differently but together to show you the world around you. Don’t take your eyes for granted.

If you have a corneal problem, you won’t be able to miss the symptoms. Some of the symptoms can be scary, but before you panic, know that Stephen Khachikian, MD, here at Black Hills Regional Eye Institute is ready to help you to treat any issues that you may have with your cornea. 

Getting to the root of any problem starts with a trip to our office for a thorough exam. 

What are the signs of a cornea problem?

Your cornea is made up of three layers: the epithelium, or outermost layer; the stroma, or the thick middle layer, and the endothelium, a little flap of cells under your stroma. Each of your cornal components is vulnerable to a number of issues that can cause problems with your vision

Since your cornea is the top layer of cells on your eye, you can’t miss it if you’re experiencing issues with it. Some signs of a cornea problem include:

This isn’t an exhaustive list, but it’s important to consult with Dr. Khachikian if you’re experiencing unusual symptoms in your eyes. Early detection and treatment is the best way to treat cornea disorders and prevent them from getting worse. 

What can happen to my cornea?

The tissues that make up your eyes are very delicate, even the top protective layer, your cornea. Several conditions can harm your cornea, affecting your vision:

Ocular herpes

The same herpes simplex virus that causes sores on other parts of your body can affect your eyes. The herpes virus has several strains, and this strain is typically found in the mouth, but can be passed easily to other parts of your body. 

Ocular herpes creates sores on the cornea, resulting in scarring and compromising your vision. The infection can affect all layers of your eye tissue. Like any other herpes infection, ocular herpes isn’t curable, but can be treated with medication. 

Herpes zoster

Another strain of herpes that can put a strain on your vision is herpes zoster, commonly known as the shingles virus. On the skin, shingles produces raised, itchy welts that irritate for up to a month. 

When this virus affects your eyes, it works similarly to its cousin, ocular herpes: Lesions develop on the cornea, harming your vision. The zoster strain can travel down nerves in your eye, worsening your infection. 

If you’re having symptoms like these, call our office as soon as possible. 


Keratoconus is a condition in which your cornea changes its shape. A healthy cornea is the perfectly round surface of a healthy eye, but if you have keratoconus, your cornea’s shape shifts into a cone. 

Keratoconus can cause astigmatism and nearsightedness, which can affect your ability to drive at night. 


Your cornea is vulnerable not only to viruses, but bacteria and fungus, too. Any of them can infect your eye after it’s been injured, and this can cause ulcers and inflammation on your eye. 

Are you ready to see with clearer vision?

Dr. Khachikian has many years of experience treating corneal conditions of varying severity. At our Rapid City, South Dakota, office, we’re ready to help you maintain your vision and your quality of life. Call us or book an appointment online today.

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